

As much as I acknowledge that no one will die if I do not update my blog, I shall post today even though I am exhausted. I’ll probably be sleeping earlier than usual tonight.

So, recap of the day?

I’ll be honest and say that I don’t know how well I did with the John Desmond quiz. I was on the fence for a few questions and unfortunately, I did get those wrong. But we’ll have to wait and see how everyone in all the different campuses did. When will the results be announced? I have no idea. Next month perhaps or the end of this month. I’m not certain myself. I really want to win. This is stupid but I do.

Never mind, off to more important things.

Apart from the clinic I had to observe in the afternoon, I didn’t have much to do today. But tomorrow is going to be a long-ish day. I have an ECG revision class in the afternoon and then, a bedside tutorial from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. I will be very tired. Luckily, Thursday is just one bedside tutorial although, that one is always highly stressful.

I may be tired physically but emotionally, I have been well-fed over the weekend. Seeing my family, my dogs and my best friend, having regular communication with people via texts or emails or Google Hangout.. these have served to help me emotionally. I am still a bundle of nerves and frustration but I can revel in the support system I have. It’s so nice to feel loved. I forget that sometimes. But going back and even towards the end of last week, I was speaking to dear friends more often which was wonderful. 🙂

I have to cook my dinner and study after that so, I can’t write anything for now. So, let me leave you with this:

Love does not always have to be this mountain top experience, but it does need to be as constant as a mountain; never moving, always steady and willing to stay.

-T.B. LaBerge

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